Property Details
Basic Information
- Property Type: Commercial
- MLS Number: 243749
- MLS Status: Active
- Acreage: 24.79
- Latitude: 42.233666
- Longitude: -73.109631
- Square Feet: 12,424
- Year Built: 1957
- Zoning: Agricultural, Multi, Industrial, Business
- Building Construction: 2x6 Walls, Concrete, Wood Frame, Post/Beam, Modular
- Town: Otis
- State: MA
- Zip: 01253
- Water Access: Well
Utilities and Appliances
Utilities and Appliances
- Appliances Included: Cooktop, Refrigerator, Range, Range Hood, Microwave, Freezer, Dishwasher, Counter Grill
- Heat System: Hot Water, Boiler, Suspended Heater